When children step inside the classroom, their entire world opens up. Give back through the power of education and change a child’s future
Educating the low-income families of our community
We believe…
Education is the driver for sustainable change.
Empowering communities through a quality education is the key to breaking the poverty cycle.

Founder & Honorary Principal
49 years of creating impact…
The founder of Ghashful, Shamsunnahar Rahman Paran, had the vision to provide education for the children of the disadvantaged communities of the society.
In 2002, with local donation and self-finance, she established “Ghashful Educare KG School” as a model for sustainable education by conducting formal education programs with the commitment of creating a conscious and enlightened nation. Children from the lower middle-class people, small entrepreneurs, blacksmith, truck drivers, day labourers and people from different occupation were served through this program in West Madarbari in Chattogram. It started its journey with 11 children in Nursery and Kindergarten. Later, the school has grown reputation over time with 223 students from Play to Fifth grade.
Students has been attending the government approved Primary Education Completion Examination and successfully achieving 100% passing rate every year and often receive different scholarships. Besides, they also participate in various primary school level examinations and competitions and achieve different scholarships. Every Friday the school runs art lessons in school for the children. The students take part in various art competitions and win awards.
In 2015 after the demise of Paran Rahman, her children renamed the school as “Ghashful Paran Rahman School” as a tribute to remember her benevolent work for the community.
Our Focus
Our Donors
- Mrs. Sajedur Siraj
- Mrs. Rowshan Ara Mujaffar
- Mrs. Khadija Sharmin
- ASM Abudul Matin
- Zareen Mahmud Hosein
- Nazneen Rahman
- Alhaj Shamsul Haque
- Jhuma Rahman
- Mona Haque Azam
- Waseque Habibul
- Mrs. Samiha Salim
- Nazma Zaman
- Mrs. Yasmeen Ahmed
- Md. Golam Mostafa
- Lisa Malik
- Dr. Ruksana Nasreen
- Dr. Moinul Islam Mahmud
- Tahim Farzana
Our CSR Partners
Lend your hand to support children to explore a world of possibility
Our Norms and Patterns of delivering education
- Following the national curriculum
- Emphasizing on developing proficiency in English language.
- Ensuring learning friendly environment
- Running extracurricular activities
- Holding regular Parents-Teachers meeting
- Extending special attention and extra class for weak students
- Having well equipped Computer lab
- Providing modern and technology-based education at low cost
The School Management Committee


Students of Ghashful Paran rahman School have 100% passing rate every year in the government approved Primary Education Completion Examination.

As stated by the United Nations, the reasons for lack of quality education are due to lack of adequately trained teachers, poor conditions of schools and equity issues related to opportunities provided to rural children.
We are all about SDG Goal 4 and addressing these inadequacies and inequalities. We believe education changes everything and without it, there is no hope for a poverty-free world.
The Global Crisis…
COVID-19 has caused gigantic negative effects of populace wellbeing, society, education and the economy worldwide. The pandemic measures in Bangladesh have led to the closure of most of the educational institutions including Ghashful Paran Rahman School. As the students stopped coming to school, revenue stream from school fees is curtailed. The challenge is now to continue paying the school rent, teachers’ salaries and other expenses. As a result, teachers and office attendants’ salaries have been reduced by 20% and School Principal’s salary is reduced by 30% instead of receiving yearly increment of 20%, which affected their socioeconomic life. As school salaries are the only source of income for these people, all these low-income professionals are in dire need of help.
But the students are suffering the most during lockdown. As the children cannot come to school, they were being deprived from various life lessons. Online home schooling was introduced, but both teachers and students started having hard times adapting it. The worst sufferers are students who do not have access to internet and internet-enabled devices such as computers and smartphones and who do not have proper study space at home. Also, the non-cognitive skills and the level of knowledge of the parents also matter a lot. It is hard to help the children with something that the parents may not understand themselves. There were 223 students, from which 80 students have been traced out during pandemic.
On 16th of August, 2020 the school started its first online sessions via WhatsApp. But only 23 students out of 223 students could join the online classes. By the end of the week attendance was less than 25%. Most of the students were unable to join the class because either they did not have the proper access to smartphones, mobile data or suitable online connection or they had to migrate back to their village due to financial crisis of their parents. Taking classes through conference call was not cost effective for the teachers either.

Ghashful Paran Rahman School’s activities through digital platforms:
Online classes and observation of various national and international days have been continuing in the school. Nevertheless, all the pandemic measures seem to bleaker due to lack of proper resources and financial condition. In order to mitigate these issues, Ghashful Paran Rahman School is striving to initiate the following measures:
- Provide mobile data to students and teachers to join the online classes.
- Pay the bills for the conference calls.
- Make payments for their internet connection.
- Arrange loan or smart phone for the parents those who can’t afford one.
- Give out loan through our micro credit program to buy smart phones so that they can get connected with the rest of the class.
- Appoint a Gym teacher (For health and hygiene training)
- Appoint a Computer teacher to make the best use of the Computer Lab

The activities of the school have become challenging and offering modern technology-based education is becoming extremely difficult at present.
We urge for kind hearts to come forward to protect the academic lives of these children from the negative impacts of the pandemic and safeguard their future.
Way Forward
Subsidized by Ghashful and sometimes by donors and sponsors, Ghashful Paran Rahman School has been working relentlessly to provide education to lower and lower-middle class family with a very nominal and reasonable school fees. As per the present situation, the activities of the school have become challenging and offering modern technology-based education is becoming extremely difficult as the school is facing severe financial crisis. The school is in dire need of grants and donations for its smooth running. We are expecting that, the school will be able to continue its educational activities with financial support through accepting grants, and be able to proceed further in future with better quality and services. In order to protect the academic lives of the children from the negative impacts of the pandemic and safeguard their future, we are actively looking for kind hearts that may come forward for this generous cause to support Ghashful Paran Rahman school.
Step forward by giving back and help us make a difference. Change a life today.
Address: 1321/1, 1401, D. T Road West Madarbari
Mobile: 01777780795
Email: [email protected]