Renewable energy procurement is a notable intervention in line with climate action, mentioned in SDGs aiming at achieving environmental sustainability by reducing the environmental risks. In this perspective, Biogas technology is one of the best means to provide natural gas to the largest number of rural people. To prevent environmental risks and worsening situation in agriculture, promoting the production of biogas as a sustainable and clean source of energy has become imperative in our country.
From this point of view, Ghashful has initiated the green solution in association with Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) through the National Domestic Biogas Manure Program (NDBMP). Under the program, Ghashful has been producing and supplying Improved Cook Stove (ICS) in the working areas.
It is to be mentioned that ICS is very effective to protect our in-house air pollution, preserve energy and control the losses caused by deforestation. The intervention of the production of Biogas can add one simple step in the fuel cycle to alleviate many of the natural hazards and provide many other benefits as well.
The main features of the project are :
- Saves fuel wood and protect forest.
- Reduces expenditures for fuel.
- Reduces household labour time spent on cooking and housekeeping
- Improves hygienic conditions
- Produce a high quality fertilizer
Till now there are 352 number of Installed Bio-Gas Plants, and 52306 number of installed at the project’s working areas.